Web Advocacy
I am passionate about the web platform, its capabilities and development. I create tutorials, write technical documentation, advise on community engagement & educational programs, and host technical podcasts/video shows about web technologies. I help companies stay abreast of what's happening on the web, advocate for improved and continued accessibility, and educate developers on the latest web technologies and practices.
Web Standards & Open Source Leadership
I am an invited expert to the W3C ARIA Working Group and involved in a number of other web standards groups, in 2024 I am also running for a position on the Technical Architecture Group. I have extensive experience working within standards and open source organisations, leading and advising engineering teams on standards contributions, and creating strategy for impactful engagement with standards and open source initiatives.
Talks & Workshops
I've been giving talks and workshops for the entirety of my career. I've led workshops in a host of areas including web development, diverse hiring practices, a history of the web, and more.
If you're interest in any of these services or want to make an enquiry, please email me at [email protected].